Tribute creation.

2009 November 19

Created by Carole 14 years ago
I started to build this tribute to my mother Alice Dooley shortly after she passed away in June 2009. I found it to be very therapeutic and helpful for the healing process. Bereavement refers to the period of mourning and grief following the death of a loved one. Losing a parent is one of the hardest emotions anyone could ever experience. I don't suppose you ever get over it really, you just come to terms with it and accept it. In your mind and heart though, that person lives on in memories. You can still see their smiles, hear the laughter in their voices and remember the 'joy of life' they once had! Those thoughts are the ones that comfort me in the dark hours, when i'm feeling down and wish i could talk to my mother and ask her advice. Death may be final, but the spirit lives on. Family and friends are all welcome to share their thoughts and photo's on here.